Wednesday, January 18, 2012

José Ortiz-Pagán Artist Residence with the Philadelphia Museum of Art

During the past three months the artist José Ortiz-Pagán aka OTS, directed two projects along with  Art Teacher Gabrielle Boyce from George Sharswood elementary and students as part of an Artist-in-Residency program with the Philadelphia Museum of Art (PMA). The students where immersed in a wide range of different art techniques in order to develop projects related to the PMA art collection like the "Large Glass" made by the icon Marcel Duchamp. The project was posible thanks to the Delphi Art Foundation, the museum Educational Coordinator, Christhina Yu and the department staff.

The works gained attention for being the most interactive pieces, allowing people from all ages to brake the barriers between spectator and the artwork. 
The exhibition will be up until January 29th, 2012 on the Education Corridor at the PMA.

1 comment:

  1. I remember working on this i was one of the 8th graders of the 2012 class that worked on the rotating shark
